Fontana Arte – Siptel
Siptel is a family of lamps which offers a new interpretation of traditional models by making use of a simple yet effective system of magnets. The entire length of the lamp stem acts as a runway for the lamp head, which slides up and down with surprising smoothness and…
Marset – Concentric
Concentric is a visually striking lamp whether it’s on or off, though turned on in the dark is when it becomes the most impressive and dynamic. The effect it promotes is almost hypnotic, because of the way the light vibrates when we view it. The Concentric collection is based on…
Lighting Brand Spotlight: Louis Poulsen
Louis Poulsen’s lighting philosophy is based on three distinct elements: Function Comfort Ambience Each element describes an aspect that they consider vitally important to lighting. Together they provide the foundation for their unique and comfortable lighting solutions. THE “FEEL-GOOD” FACTOR Another important parameter is the “feel-good factor”: the quality of…
Lighting Brand Spotlight: Foscarini
A technological and creative workshop that conceives, develops and produces not just lamps but pure emotions, in collaboration with many other designers from around the world. A company that is free, passionate, unconventional and right at the heart of the industry in which it thrives. This is Foscarini. A designing…